frequently asked questions

Find an answer to your question. We're happy to help.


Where does Precision Elastomers, Inc. ship?

We will ship anywhere in the world.

How fast does PEI, Inc. ship?

2 weeks to strip and recover or cover core supplied by customer. 3-4 weeks including core. 4-6 weeks for Molded Parts and tooling.


Custom Polyurethane Products?

We can do small custom runs as well as large quantity part production. If a tough, high-performance, non-marking, high-traction material is what you're looking for, write or call to get a quote. We will gladly quote any quantity of any polyurethane part including custom rollers, polyurethane bushings and more.

Other question?

Please get in touch and, we are adding FAQs based on customer inquiries.

Interested? Please let us know how can we help you.